Tuesday, March 4

North America Used Cars Trading in Dijla Street, Sharjah

North America Used Cars Trading in Dijla Street, Sharjah Address, Phone Number, Email, Website and Services

North America Used Cars Trading Address: Dijla Street, Industrial Area – Industrial Area 4 – Sharjah – United Arab Emirates

Contact Number: 971558885945

Email: N/A

Opening Time: Monday to Thursday: 9am-10pm, Friday: Closed, Saturday and Sunday: 9am-10pm

Website: N/A

Direction: View direction here

List of Car Showroom in Sharjah

View the list of Car Showroom in Sharjah Address, Phone Number, Email, Website and Services through the above link

Cars Body Type

  • Sedan
  • SUV
  • Crossover
  • Coupe
  • Hatchback
  • Convertible
  • Van
  • Wagon

The digital revolution is disrupting used-car retailing the better. This digital retailing represents more than technology alone because it focuses  the importance of the used-car-buying process.

As revealed by our proprietary customer research, online providers are beginning to dilute traditional used-car dealers’ positions and drive growth by empowering customers via three major capabilities:

  • complete end-to-end purchasing capabilities
  • extensive vehicle data and photos, along with effective search tools
  • unique delivery options

With the rise of digital players and potential incumbent-dealer consolidation on the horizon, the evolving market will feature new threats and opportunities for players trying to capture value in an already competitive environment. Furthermore, while the ways customers purchase vehicles are changing, it’s also true that the needs of used-car buyers differ far more than those of new-vehicle purchasers. As a result, to generate a uniformly distinctive and differentiating customer experience, all used-car retailers must identify their target customer segments and rapidly develop the best approaches among a growing array of available options.

A big, stable market

The US used-car market is more than twice the size of the new-car segment and is outpacing it in growth. McKinsey’s auto retail micro-market model and that used-vehicle sales will increase faster than new-vehicle sales over the next five years. Used cars offer a relatively countercyclical safe harbor from the dramatic sales highs and lows seen among new vehicles, with peak-to-trough declines averaging about 11 percent over the past two decades, compared with 23 percent for new ones.

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New retail models

New digitally fsuch as Carvana, Fair, and Vroom, among others are attempting the industry. These companies can employ a range of sophisticated digital capabilities, like big data digital platforms, that set them apart from conventional used-car dealers. Established new-car dealer groups are moving to protect and grow this important source of revenue.

The car inventory is becoming both younger and pricier. The market has seen a strong shift toward model vehicles. Our analysis projects that, with major drop-offs occurring in cars seven years and older as more people trade up from older, less expensive vehicles.

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